Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Listen to BettyGroenings Playlist

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Teething has proven to be one of the most difficult aspects of motherhood. I never even thought twice about what teething would be like. You see Gavin gets every syptom in the book, irritability, excessive drooling (leads to chin rash), coughing and runny nose, diarrhea (leading to diaper rash), fever, not sleeping well. Not only does he get ALL those symptoms with EVERY tooth his immune system is so weakened that he then is susceptible to croup, canker sores, and bleeding sore gums. So starting last Thursday after we already experienced some of those symptoms and were expecting a tooth, we found not only a tooth but also two molars! Two nights of being up all night with a screaming toddler and days being no better, no eating, no drinking, round the clock tylenol and orajel, it was not a pleasant weekend. I'm relieved to say that I think we are in the clear at least until those nasty eye teeth come in! I don't feel sorry for myself that I have to deal with this, I feel so so so sorry for Gavin that he has to experience all this pain and discomfort. I would, being a mother, take all the pain onto myself if I could. Today is a new day! Bryce took Gavin to daycare so I could have a little me time this morning and it has been wonderful!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Donating Blood

I was inspired a while back by my sister Tina who gives blood everytime the clinic comes to town, which is every 56 days. If you know me at all you know that I used to be pretty terrified of needles, that is until pregnancy. Being pregnant toughened me up about needles so i decided to try donating. I was okay with the whole needle aspect of it but I wasn't sure about the needle staying in my arm for 10-15 minutes, turns out it was okay and I signed up for a next donation right away. Alas today is the day of that 2nd donation and I am once again a little nervous about it, but knowing that I am doing it for someone who needs it gives me peace. Thanx Tina for the inspiration to do good!

So I dare you to challenge yourself, even if you don't think you can do it, give it a try! You might surprise yourself.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

The Weekend

So it's the beginning of the week yet again, the weekends always seem so short! Gavin cut tooth #8 this weekend so that was an exciting thing to wake up to on Saturday morning, finally after about a month of being irritable and cranky it decided to make its appearance. Let's see 8 teeth down...........12 to go! Friday afternoon Charlie came over for a visit while his mommy got her haircut, Gavin slept for most of his visit but got to have some fun playing with him.

Friday night was a lot of fun, my brother Pete was out from Regina visiting so he and his girlfriend, and Sara, Trevor and Charlie came over for the evening. We played dice and Settlers, Pete was victorious in both. It was great for Gavin to see Uncle Pete again as it had been a while, and he wasn't shy at all! I made a hot cheese dip using spices from Epicure which was fantastic, it was a big hit, no leftovers! Saturday Gavin and I slept in while Bryce had to get up to go to work =( We stayed in our pajamas all morning. Sara and I went to a wedding together in the afternoon while Gavin and Charlie played at my mom's house. Then when we got home we headed out to Uncle Rich and Aunt Wendi's place for an evening of dice and rock band. Gavin had a lot of fun playing with April, Megan, and Sam! He slept really well that night, they tuckered him out! Sunday we headed over to my parents place for lunch and stayed there for the majority of the afternoon then came home to relax from our busy weekend! Things to look forward to for this week, I'm doing my 2nd blood donation tomorrow and on Friday we are babysitting a boy about a month younger than Gavin, should be a lot of fun!!
And as usual here are a few more pics.

Gavin enjoying a hamburger

This is the face he makes when you ask him to say cheese!

This is cousin Charlie, so cute!

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Happy Spring!

So it's spring time and we are excited!! The weather is nice the snow is melting the sun is shining and we are optimistic that summer is right around the corner. So what better way to bring in the nice weather then buying summer clothes...

I bought these shorts the other day and just could not resist putting them on him!! I love seeing those chunky legs. However, before we get to have summer, we have to deal with spring! And this rubber boot thing is NOT happening.....

We'll have to reinforce it with letting him splash in puddles and playing outside! So here's a few more pics just for fun!!

Calgary Flames fan in the making!

Building towers with Daddy

Happy Easter from the cutest bunny ever

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

New to the blogging world

I was sitting here thinking about the numerous different ways we can keep in touch with people who live both near and far: facebook.....check, email.....check, skype.....check, messenger.....check, blog............... So why not start one more!?! I like the idea of a blog because it's a more detailed look into our lives, when we don't have time to chat or the other person is not signed in on the other end, they can look up your blog and read about what's been going on. So here it is, we'll try it and see if I can keep it up to date!
